Then with a ponderous movement he pushed the lever of the telecom into transmitting position.
Miriamele watched its ponderous movement with terrified fascination, trembling in every limb.
In the mist, far below, she glimpsed slow, ponderous movement: huge beasts, perhaps giant depraved cousins of Night.
Outside, the storm had fallen to silence, enhancing the scraping sounds of ponderous movement.
There was a ponderous movement from above the high plastered ceiling.
The Fenian Ram resisted momentarily, as though reluctant to leave, then began a slow, ponderous movement out into the basin.
Camilo Vila's direction is on the labored side - ponderous movement accompanied by dirgelike music.
On the small screen inside, he saw again the ponderous movement of the!
His body was an extension of the machinery - guiding ponderous movement.
Beside her the snoring suddenly broke off, the bed shook to the lady's ponderous movements.