Wako's founder and first president, Dr. Satoru Umene, was a pioneering educator who led the postwar movement to reform Japanese higher education.
He had also played a significant role in political and aesthetic debates that had gathered force as the postwar movement toward African decolonization accelerated.
Bell Labs foreshadowed the subsequent postwar movement of research labs from converted manufacturing plants to separate facilities in suburban locations.
"We all felt an urgency to capture as much information as possible about this postwar movement while many of its leading practitioners are still alive."
Their aim was to ally themselves with the great postwar movements lost sight of in their country's cultural desert.
Regnery published some of the first and most important books of the postwar American conservative movement.
In the heyday of Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and the other radical postwar movements, he was a little-known presence in American art.
This biography reveals how the largely self-taught author of "Silent Spring" contributed so much to the postwar environmental movement and had such a strong influence on American sensibilities.
The postwar national movement of highway construction and suburbanization added to problems.
Both contributed mightily to the formation of the postwar environmental movement.