On foreign policy, the new administration will confront difficult questions about how to deal with unstable and potentially aggressive nations like Iraq and North Korea.
"Police saw persons known to them as potentially aggressive, and they were arrested," a police spokesman, Detlef Albers, said Wednesday night, referring to the confrontations at the Alter Markt.
Although virtus is an active and potentially aggressive quality, benevolentia belongs to a class of Roman virtues characteristic of those who are kind, generous, and humane.
Despite the potentially aggressive character suggested by its title, it lacked any desire to shock or assault or sound "advanced."
"Using the cloak of sanctity provided by the martyrdom of Stephen Lawrence, it may be that the state is being given an important and potentially aggressive new power over the citizen."
It is a potentially aggressive snake.
The more even distribution of food is commonly associated with exclusive ranging in mammals and the presence of potentially aggressive males may enhance dispersion.
No member of staff is required to place themselves at risk in handling money or valuables in the course of duty or more particularly when confronting a potentially aggressive or violent situation.
"The struggle is when people assume that kids are amoral or potentially aggressive and the structure is about making them human, as if they're inhuman."
Temperamentally they are protective, potentially aggressive, and courageous.