The fear that cloud seeding could potentially change the course or power of hurricanes and negatively affect people in the storm's path stopped the project.
But if you're happy with your body just the way it is, surgery could potentially change that for the worse.
One: Has anything potentially changed at Cerner to cause such a seemingly violent reaction?
We could certainly consider future stories about how Watson potentially changes the world of computing in many different industries.
But you're talking about introducing something into our society that could potentially change it to its core.
"Well, this does potentially change things between us, doesn't it?"
Anything that potentially changes the value of a television property will enter into discussions over a new contract.
The Silver Tsunami can potentially change American society as a whole.
Heating, by contrast, does soften metal, potentially changing its acoustics.
President Clinton said the missile could potentially change the "stability dynamics" of the Middle East.