Potentially critical forensic evidence was lost because of investigative blunders, the report said.
This was potentially critical evidence; Simpson claimed that he'd cut himself on the night of the murders, but hadn't been to his ex-wife's house in a week.
The issue is potentially critical for Mr. Bush, as his father can attest from bitter experience in the late 1980's and early 90's.
Mr. Starr's efforts to build a case have focused for the last two days on Ms. Lewinsky's mother, whose testimony is considered potentially critical.
All the same, there is a potentially critical difference.
Another potentially critical factor is the ratio of nurses to patients.
However, Cronin shows herself to be actively questioning that type of work and presents her catalogue raisonné as a potentially critical feminist project.
Do you really think the attorney general is going to take kindly to hearing how some local reporter tampered with a potentially critical piece of evidence?
Cyberspace as Chaos The danger of participation is that there are hundreds or even thousands of potentially critical eyes watching every entry.
The identification of a man from the Omaha area as a possible participant in the operation provides a potentially critical link in the investigative chain.