Anand's strategy has proven popular, but at a potentially disturbing price.
Will the images stir up potentially disturbing memories for certain people?
Another potentially disturbing complication where neuromuscular blockade is employed is 'anesthesia awareness'.
Child development experts worry that this exposes them to sensitive, potentially disturbing conversations that are beyond their emotional comprehension.
The bitterness generated challenges to the credibility of the results, and left El Salvador facing two potentially disturbing outcomes.
This is, when you think about it, a potentially disturbing piece of information.
The network and packager faced an unusual and potentially disturbing obstacle, however.
Vice magazine interview with Kobus Jonker (Warning: Linked content contains graphic and potentially disturbing images).
They said the decision was based on the "potentially disturbing nature of the design, which may cause offense amongst sections of the underground audience."
The theatre wrote to all ticket-holders warning that the play was potentially disturbing.