As he has the grace occasionally to recognise in this book, people there share some of his beliefs - free speech, investigative journalism, standing up to big corporations and murderous governments, the potentially liberating quality of the internet.
But he said it was potentially liberating to be the first appointed since Johnson's death, last year.
These changes can be viewed as one aspect of a potentially liberating move towards an increased role for the market and in this sense the reform of local government may be understood as a part of a wider restructuring of the state to achieve the same ends.
It makes one think that, at least recently, the courage with which Mr. Bacon confronts the human condition somehow fails him in the actual, potentially liberating, materials of painting itself.
This is another potentially liberating factor for the child with linguistic difficulties: her ability to draw has a value in the writing lesson.
Their homeroom-based guile finally leads Ben, who eventually wants to break free, into one last, potentially liberating crime.
Drawing on, re-reading and adapting the original work by Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin in the 1930s which had seen the culture industry as a kind of monster and influenced too by Hans Magnus Enzensberger he saw the cultural industries as a potentially liberating force.
At least de Botton is not so disingenuous as to pass Christianity off as potentially liberating for the poor and oppressed.
It's a paranoid, bildungsroman of a black comedy, and the group's homeroom-based guile finally leads Ben, who eventually wants to break free, into one last potentially liberating crime.
Abolition of the business class regulations is a potentially liberating move.