As the studio bid about $100,000, the writer's agent showed the script to competing studios, and word spread that a potentially major property was available.
Within this country, a potentially major force in Internet telephony could be the cable television industry.
And to say it again, he is endowed with a potentially major voice.
Coal shipments by rail were also looked at as a potentially major source of income-this potential is still being realized.
But the poem comes at a cost - and a potentially major cost - to the sender.
It is a situation with potentially major repercussions.
When the Soviet's Moon program was canceled, some experts believe, its scientists were on the verge of potentially major accomplishments.
That is a shift that carries potentially major policy implications for health care, housing, transportation and other issues.
For some time now, it has been apparent that Susan Dunn's is a potentially major talent.
The alarm "indicates a potentially major problem with the plane that the flight crew must attend to immediately," he said.