The software then tells the hard disk to unload its heads to prevent them from coming in contact with the platter, thus potentially preventing head crash.
But even if an adequate intake of vitamin D doesn't alleviate pain, it may boost mood and could potentially prevent 150,000 cases of cancer annually.
Shortly after its release, Square Enix acknowledged a software bug within the game that would potentially prevent the players' progress.
Voter caging is a method of challenging the registration status of voters to potentially prevent them from voting in an election.
This could potentially prevent unnecessary drug toxicity, a major cause of illness and death.
The new vaccine against human papillomavirus, which became available last summer, could potentially prevent thousands of cases of cervical cancer.
Similarly, these researchers could potentially prevent or at least delay the publication of research findings that could diminish sales for their supporting company.
Abandon the Kobayashi Maru, potentially preventing war but leaving the crew and passengers to die.
June 6, 2011 - Practicing yoga after a stroke may help rebuild balance and prevent potentially disabling falls among the elderly, a study shows.
The installation of a readily accessible emergency stop switch on the winch can potentially prevent these kinds of injuries.