The use of a nitrogen dynamic accumulator, such as a clover patch, could potentially replace nitrogen-rich fertilizers.
This was an attempt to provide a Unicode solution to encoding paragraphs and lines semantically, potentially replacing all of the various platform solutions.
Currently, the bottles are being found more and more in the south-east region, and could potentially replace the standard bottle design.
Which of the following can potentially replace the piles of papers you currently stockpile in your home office?
The main maintenance issue over the lifespan of the system is potentially replacing the Inverter after about 10 to 15 years.
It could potentially replace multiple levels of the cache hierarchy, while saving significant die space, or enabling much larger caches.
Browsers can potentially replace Windows as the platform from which computers run word processors and other application programs.
The band keeps the rest of the students as alternates, mostly freshmen, on the side lines to potentially replace injured members.
Silk, while light and elastic, is stronger than steel yet easily recyclable, potentially replacing plastics for many uses.
It may play an important role in the future construction of airplanes, potentially replacing rivets.