A cheat can give a dishonest signal, gaining an advantage, but potentially undermining the signalling system for all.
"At a time when there's going to be a major push to expand family day care, the state is potentially undermining the quality."
Potentially undermining all these security efforts is the specter of former high-ranking Baathists who may be seeking to destabilize the country.
Clearly the disclosure letter is important as it potentially undermines the warranties.
While the government can pay the bills for a stimulus program by running a deficit, the auto industry may have to lay off workers, potentially undermining a recovery.
The ruling potentially undermined the British government's effort to snare the suspect in a financial stranglehold.
In any case, the Federal Reserve's rate reduction clearly put Japanese authorities in a difficult position by potentially undermining the dollar and strengthening the yen.
Poe was concerned with the recent influx of modern science and social science and how it potentially undermined spiritual beliefs.
And if it was allowed to continue, it could potentially undermine the whole idea of valid scores.
The personal starts out reflecting the political; then it potentially undermines it.