This leads to complex and potentially unreliable mechanics.
Many potential recruits were screened out as potentially unreliable; for instance, actively religious individuals or those with close relatives in West Germany.
Bailey and Harrison found that for certain types of passage cloze scores were potentially unreliable indicators of comprehension.
The Corruption Perceptions Index therefore needs to rely on third-party survey which have been criticized as potentially unreliable.
The fact that they are both small and that they melt gives rise to difficult, potentially unreliable, personal observations.
If history is potentially unreliable and incomplete, what of the prehistoric period for which we have no written records at all?
Specific text fragments that have not been edited by multiple authors with a good score are flagged as potentially unreliable or unsafe.
The winds were estimated at 60 mph (95 km/h); however, it is a potentially unreliable estimate due to a lack of significant population providing observations.
This has the advantage of not requiring heavy, expensive and potentially unreliable gearboxes.
But in civilian court, he said, defense lawyers would use rules of evidence that can keep potentially unreliable evidence away from jurors.