Terrorists could potentially use weapons of mass destruction to cause physical destruction or advanced computer technology to attack our economy and critical infrastructure.
Quote, "Every time you log onto a web page you create a scenario hackers could potentially use to crack your employer's network."
Peters later confirmed that in addition to potentially using cast members from the 1983 miniseries, the new series would nod to the original in other ways.
A video or photography professional could potentially then use the tablet device as an accompanying secondary display.
Run-time compilation can potentially use information about the platform on which the code is being executed to improve code more effectively.
PCM provides the best attributes memory in fast write/read times, increased longevity and potentially use much less power.
If someone does come up with a useful application for smart cards, there are millions of cards in circulation that could potentially use it.
Also, they can potentially use the entire track area for solar collectors, not just the vehicle surface.
What we've seen is reports of troops engaging in horrible acts, including potentially using rape as a weapon of war.
This is a double edge sword, as a farmer could potentially use herds to deter access to public rights of way.