By now, however, such Puritans - or 'fanatics' as they were generally labelled by their mainstream critics - were once more a powerless minority.
The unionist community fears becoming a powerless minority within a reunited Ireland.
By the end of World War II, Jews - many of them merchants, doctors, factory workers - were a distinct, powerless minority.
It is normally hard to imagine ways by which Republicans in the State Assembly, the chamber's oppressed and powerless minority, could become well known.
While it's true that subway riders are a captive audience, they are the only audience for this powerless minority.
For years now, the Democrats have been not only the minority party, but a particularly powerless minority, elbowed out of virtually any role other than that of critic.
While it may seem like trafficked people are the most vulnerable and powerless minorities in a region, victims are consistently exploited from any ethnic and social background.
After this episode, Paulicians as a major force disappear from history, though as a powerless minority they would reappear in many later times and places .
It is the outs - the powerless minority - who have the only real motivation to take a critical look at the system and determine a better way to run things.
With the Federalists a powerless minority in Congress, he returned home to serve as the Attorney General of Delaware.