The minimum monthly fees will allow carriers to continue to offer handset subsidies while price-conscious consumers can opt for a lower monthly fee.
Decline in Gasoline Prices At the moment, however, even for the price-conscious consumer, the trend toward larger engines and heavier cars is rational.
Whole industries, from airlines to cigarettes to computers, are hemorrhaging cash in a struggle to attract price-conscious consumers.
For price-conscious consumers who are worried about the economy and are looking to save money anywhere they can, he is a breath of fresh air.
This showed that price-conscious consumers were changing their shopping patterns to seek the best values.
Companies like Hyundai and Suzuki charged in, capitalizing on price-conscious consumers.
Along the way, it has built something of a cult following, especially among young, price-conscious consumers.
Most of these cars will be priced below $7,000 to cater to the price-conscious Indian consumer.
Hardly anyone doubts that price-conscious consumers will benefit, as they have since 1980 when the state deregulated wine prices.
After all, what price-conscious consumer doesn't comparison shop?