He said the team was hobbling efforts to better use the land for creating jobs and producing tax revenues for the state.
The reservoir has produced several record fish for the state of Wyoming.
Parli produces 1190 mW of electricity for the state of maharashtra.
Some Possibilities One is raising corporate taxes, which have produced less and less money for the state in recent years.
Nationalizing the salt and iron trades eliminated this threat and produced large profits for the state.
The bride and bridegroom should consider that they are to produce for the state the best and fairest specimens of children which they can.
At some point, Mr. Backman said, the flood will begin to produce some benefits for the state.
At the same time, he eliminated most production incentives, telling Cubans that the joy of producing for the Communist state should be incentive enough.
Klucis taught, wrote, and produced political art for the Soviet state for the rest of his life.
As a collective, the villagers produced for the state.