The rule as written has a broad scope, and at first seemed to pilots to extend to required regular flight reviews as well proficiency training given to non-citizen private pilots.
Bomber crew members received final proficiency training at the field before deployment in North Africa, Europe, and Pacific Theater of Operations.
Latterly, U.K.-based squadrons visited Ta Kali as part of their annual proficiency training.
The provisional unit's mission was to receive the new Martin B-57B Canberra tactical bomber and conduct proficiency training and maintenance crew checkouts on the new aircraft.
In addition, P-47 Thunderbolt fighter pilots completed proficiency training at Scribner before reassignment to the European Theater of Operations.
Most of Vertical de Aviacion aircrews are retired military pilots who undergo recurrent proficiency training twice a year at our Flight School in Bogota.
Newly trained enlisted and officer personnel would be sent to the new group, where the experienced cadre would give them proficiency training.
Twelve bombardment squadrons and nine fighter squadrons completed proficiency training at the field before receiving orders for overseas combat assignments.
Instead, he had decided to continue west while conducting the proficiency training, and now he was doubly glad that he had made that decision.
Analytic errors such as faulty reagent, equipment failure, or human error, increased 40% with each decrease in level of proficiency training completed.