He called upon India to do more to protect Muslims.
The goal was ostensibly to convert various Kirdi (pagan) peoples to Islam and to protect Muslims who already lived in the area.
How could they say America was against the Muslims when it had fought to protect Muslims in Bosnia?
They organized Hindus by the block and apartment buildings to protect Muslims.
Many see the United States's recent raid on Baghdad and Western countries' failure to protect Muslims in Bosnia as part of the campaign.
Blunkett makes no bones about the law's having been meant mainly to protect Muslims.
What we have to do is change the relationship with Syria so it protects both Christians and Muslims.
Churches, judges, citizens and NGOs were working to protect Muslims.
In Colombo, a Muslim member of Parliament and opposition leader said the Government failed to protect Muslims or give them arms to protect themselves.
It is a hard case to make, because America last used military power to protect poor Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo.