But the quarterly figures also were distorted by wide swings in auto sales.
This was the first time Nintendo released quarterly figures, so no comparisons were available.
You also need to look beyond quarterly figures to get a true indication of what is happening with the market.
The amount was well above the 1990 quarterly figures, which ranged from $73 billion to $84 billion.
But the latest quarterly figure translates into annual sales for that use of $600 million.
The company, which is not required to give out quarterly figures, said operating profits before interest rose 23.4 percent, to $375 million.
The quarterly figures included operations that the company acquired in Brazil last year.
The latest quarterly figure showed 17.4 percent of all wage and salary payments came directly from the government.
All quarterly figures in the bottom performance category were "minus."
By the end of 1982, Crocker's quarterly figures showed that it was in trouble.