The 6 stud is worn by backs as it allows for more agility and quicker movement around the field.
These shifts blocked the detection of subtler, quicker movements caused by day-to-day changes in the atmosphere and the oceans.
For, in the first place, the quicker movement of the larger circle is natural when all the circles are attached to the same centre.
He landed harder but rolled back to his feet, turned, and moved, this time taking her wrist despite her quicker movements.
This allows for much easier and quicker movement of large numbers of models at once.
They, too, were making slow time: the depth of snow and the increasing slope of the track made any quicker movement impossible.
Suddenly there was a quicker movement of seemingly one whole section of the mountain.
This is to facilitate quicker movement down to the main level.
By comparison, the quicker movements sounded more perfunctory.
In the quicker movements, the dialogue between cello and piano was consistently vivid.