ON a quiet hillside in this suburb just south of Seattle, officials say they have created the future of public housing.
For several generations the Parks family lived on a quiet hillside where Katelyn's grandfather and her father (Mike Daly) were keepers to the town's lighthouse.
It was so sudden, so very unexpected on this quiet hillside.
The two cone-shaped chalets were built about four years ago on a quiet hillside behind the town center on a street called Chemin du Paysan.
If the crowded confines of the Hobsons' one-roomed cabin were not real, neither was the quiet hillside and its fresh grave beneath the spruce tree.
Red deer have a stronghold on the moor and can be seen on quiet hillsides in remote areas, particularly in the early morning.
It became very quiet on my far hillside.
At the very worst, the cops would realize one or all of them had the perfect means to transport a dying girl's body to a quiet hillside.
On the quiet hillside, it sounded remarkably loud.
Luckily Kentucky was full of glades, quiet hillsides, and swimming holes.