Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Now, though, the other half of the game could change radically.
Their Position has, however, started to change sometimes quite radically.
Five years was too short a time for people to radically change their thinking, she said.
The business has changed over the years, but not radically.
American culture has changed radically in the last 65 years.
Technology has radically changed the way we buy a car.
Then she showed just how radically different things could be.
The face of this business could be radically different in a year.
Since then the situation in the economic world has radically changed.
Would the world be radically different than it is today?
Since then, their way of working has not changed radically.
In two years, he had changed radically, and all for the better.
I believe that we have to do something radically different.
The 1967 design was radically different from what came before.
Some things were not available, or the price had radically changed.
So now I've done several things within four weeks which has radically changed my life.
How could her life have changed so radically in such a short time?
Next time they will have to learn a radically new set of rules.
This is a man who has decided to change his life radically.
There's nothing radically wrong with the film, which is its problem.
In fact, it was to be another two years before the situation changed radically.
It seems to have no place in a world so radically changed.
There is, however, a radically different way to view people.
They started at the present position, but the style was radically different.
But they have radically different views of what the story is.