In the early 60's the island still had a slightly threadbare, raffish charm.
This close, the strong face with its bright green eyes had a raffish charm.
I loved the laid-back, hammock-rocking, margarita-sipping, raffish charm of the place.
The geography gives the two-month-old restaurant a sort of raffish charm, and sitting at the handsome, old-fashioned bar breeds fellowship.
He gave little indication of the raffish charm that makes the barber such an irresistible force in the Seville community.
Moreover, she manages to hang on to some of her raffish charm throughout her vicissitudes, providing much of the book's comic relief.
In his public debates he oscillates between raffish charm and a finely measured line in contempt.
Although the band offered little help to listeners who didn't understand French (and its album has no translations), its raffish charm came through.
Pedestrians' disregard of traffic signals has a certain raffish charm, as a symbol of the city's frenetic pace and rejection of petty authority.
These days it exudes, according to one's point of view, a raffish threadbare charm or a theatrical quality of faded glory.