Previously thought to be lost, it was given a rare showing at the National Film Theatre on July 15, 2001 (See [1])
Another cult item, slasher film My Bloody Valentine was shown with several minutes that were never seen theatrically (they were edited out to avoid an X rating) - a rare showing of the film in its entirety.
A rare public showing of those films was held in a Manhattan hotel ballroom in 1964.
In a rare showing of solidarity, only 15 union members crossed the picket line.
PROPOSALS to form a Premier League second division were thrown out as England's top clubs achieved a rare showing of unity at a London meeting yesterday.
A rare showing of the 1951 animated Walt Disney film, which is out of circulation, will take place tomorrow at 3 P.M. at the Pierpont Morgan Library, 29 East 36th Street, Manhattan.
The evening ended with a rare wide-screen showing of an exquisitely beautiful film version of "Beach Birds," made even richer by the mind-opening compilation.
To understand why, come to a rare showing of this film.
In the late 80s at the Glasgow Film Theatre, The Exorcist was given a rare showing, and probably like many people in the hall, I'd never seen the film before.
Rife with abstract fantasies and the subtlest of color mixes, this work has strong appeal, and its rare showing is a bonanza for print lovers.