I don't know what compounds are responsible for the sensation of heat from things such as ginger, black pepper, and raw garlic.
Do you like a touch of raw or roasted garlic, maybe some freshly grated horseradish?
Don't use raw garlic as it can cause botulism, not a welcome gift in any hamper.
Oil mixed with raw garlic and parsley is placed in the cavity to perfume the artichoke from the inside out.
It can absorb more than the usual amount of raw garlic.
In particular, topical application of raw garlic to young children is not advisable.
Allicin has been found to be the compound most responsible for the "hot" sensation of raw garlic.
He chops up raw garlic in his food daily, and takes the tablets when he's traveling.
These side effects are often worse with raw garlic.
Strain out the herbs, brush over crusty Italian bread with a little raw garlic, and toast.