The show also employs a highly unusual plot device: a real-life, present-day celebrity inserted as a character in a fictional situation within the story.
He has several character traits common with those of contemporary real-life celebrities.
Guests (real-life celebrities, not actors) found themselves on the receiving end of outrageous faux naïve questions.
The video includes appearances from real-life celebrities including:
That would entail actually seeing the real-life celebrity interact on occasion with the fictional thieves.
Each episode presented a Biography-type profile of a fictional person loosely based on a real-life celebrity.
His real-life celebrity overshadows Milk's fictitious marriage, which is where the book's delicate, true heartbeat lies.
Laisa conducts a television show on which famous real-life celebrities appear.
In addition, the following puppets representing real-life celebrities have been panelists on certain episodes.
In addition, stories based on real-life celebrities were disallowed around 2003.