The decisions fish managers make have real-life consequences for millions of people, from fishermen to consumers.
The result is a collision between the heritage of the oil industry's earliest days and the real-life environmental consequences in the present.
"My joy as an actor," he once said, "is to live different lives without risking the real-life consequences."
Parents should explain the difference between gun violence on television and in films and the real-life consequences of gun use.
Based on the real-life consequences of an error, one type may be more serious than the other.
Some efforts to promote kayfabe have resulted in real-life consequences.
The real-life consequences of Hollywood behavior rarely figure into the plot lines.
The artists did not have far to look for examples of the blurring of the line between art and its real-life consequences.
The bills before them now are inherently harder, with immediate, real-life consequences for constituents back home.
Negotiable consequences: Games can be played according to the same rules with or without real-life consequences.