Following the attack, he was chased out of the ring by Triple H, who is her real-life husband.
The former real-life husband and wife, who announced their split in December 2010, were onboard with the controversial storyline.
Her real-life husband Andrew Upton wrote, produced, and directed the film.
Her real-life husband Jacob Kalich played one of her relatives.
Ball and Arnaz were real-life husband and wife.
Her real-life husband, actor Peter Mercier, died in 1993, after 42 years of marriage.
Prince and Dabney became real-life husband and wife in 1964.
She agreed to do the program if it also featured her real-life husband, Desi Arnaz.
She had one scene with her real-life husband, one in which Don rescued Sara.
She steps out of the car walks into the restaurant, approaching real-life husband, Ty Murray.