Lyon vows to solve a 26-year-old real-life mystery, basis of Tyler's masterpiece.
Clearly the drama in real-life medical mysteries is often subtle.
'I expect you're finding this real-life mystery quite useful for a plot, aren't you?'
It was based on the real-life 1921 mystery of the Guyra Ghost.
And a real-life mystery is the most riveting of stories.
"Jupiter's Wife," which he describes as a "real-life mystery," isn't so much a whodunit as a whyshedunit.
The denouement of this gripping real-life mystery is rushed and doesn't make clear exactly which United States officials knew what and when.
The series revoles around the title character, a young woman from Victorian England who works as a mystery author, who also solves real-life mysteries and crimes.
The stories are about real-life mysteries, a "mosaic of ambition, deception, passion, and folly."
The show features reenactments of real-life medical mysteries, told through narration and interviews.