He says he finds inspiration in many real-life objects, situations, books, places, and landscapes.
Originally, real-life objects were buried with the dead.
This allows real-life 3-D objects to be digitised in both black and white and colour.
Iris has the magical ability to turn anything she draws into real-life objects, and this feature is used throughout the game to solve various puzzles.
Some virtual artifacts are purely abstract in their nature, therefore they can't model real-life objects or phenomena.
For example computer programs or digital user interfaces, while often containing representative components of real-life objects, can't exist in physical terms.
It says that a manifold (or real-life object in space) can be shown on a flat thing like a piece of paper.
Kline worked many of his compositions up from sketches, which themselves sometimes had origins in real-life objects.
Right now, physics is able to describe gravity of real-life sized objects using general relativity.
Polygonal curves can be used to approximate other curves and boundaries of real-life objects.