Guests, including real-life politicians in dark suits and entertainers in purple outfits, debate the bill before voting.
Caught amid conscience and ambition, Wynn grapples with the kind of ethical dilemma that real-life politicians are forced to confront.
This polished image of the president plays well with real-life politicians.
The premise of the manga is that international diplomacy is settled on the mahjong table, with real-life politicians depicted as masters of mahjong.
Though based on real-life politicians, the characters are, as the manga's disclaimer notes, "works of fiction and not really related to any real-life people".
IF, as Henry Adams wrote, "practical politics consists in ignoring facts," then what happier marriage could there be than one between real-life politicians and the make-believe of theater?
The series has made many jokes at the expense of real-life politicians, including Mr. Quayle.
As for the characters' stammering denials and epic tantrums, they are laced with improvisation, just like those of real-life politicians.
"The media is on them 24 hours a day now," Mr. Iannucci said, of real-life politicians.
The serial used different names for real-life politicians: