Some are unaffected realities that draw on footage from real-life trials in real-life courtrooms.
Close-Up, for example, contains scenes from the real-life trial of a man charged with fraudulently impersonating a film director.
Howard's procedural missteps, and her subsequent recovery, was based on that real-life trial.
In that real-life trial, a Baltimore detective misspeaks during his testimony and nearly jeopardizes the outcome of the case.
The defense attorney in the real-life trial lost the case for himself with a procedural misstep similar to the one portrayed in "And the Rockets Dead Glare".
This type of stimulus has been criticized by some researchers as lacking ecological validity-that is, it does not closely approximate a real-life trial.
Laps in the Port Sanger municipal pool had prepared her for real-life trials about as well as the rest of Lamatia's much-vaunted summerling education.
Wind tunnel testing suggested that TsKB-12 with its short tail would enter an unrecoverable flat spin, but real-life trials were necessary to confirm this.
The footage was taken from the real-life trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and then digitally altered to make a faux news report.
Menocchio, a play about the famous real-life trial of miller Domenico Scandella in the Friuli region in 1600.