It also requires a flexibility and a real-time feedback of information that robots are only beginning to achieve.
But real-time feedback of this sort is the key to becoming a competent musician.
However, there has been some interesting programming and real-time feedback in the operation of the external manipulators.
A possible means to reduce household energy consumption is to provide real-time feedback to homeowners so they can change their energy using behavior.
Users get real-time feedback on their accuracy with a series of different tones.
It's designed to give you real-time feedback on your driving style.
Participants receive real-time feedback on where they stand with their current bids and are able to respond.
These games also provide real-time feedback on how well you are doing while playing the game, something that educational systems lack in.
Virtual systems provide real-time feedback to the participant and are cheaper than branched video.
The lack of real-time feedback makes the slide animation (Kindle-style) look really wrong, almost as if it's a performance problem.