He enjoyed good health until his initial complaints recurred one year later.
Dressed in culottes, they present movement themes that later recur.
Then, like a miracle, at age 14 the episodes stopped for five years, though they later recurred sporadically and unpredictably about half a dozen times.
But the cancer recurred one month later.
Roger's illness recurred later in the fall of 1967.
The headaches may disappear for months or years, only to recur later.
Since the sun rotated every twenty-seven days, these disturbances often recurred a month later.
But because disease can recur many years later, the crucial data from both studies will not come for several more years.
Marguerite resolved to recur to it a little later, when she would be alone with Mlle.
Figures on film presage the sensual images of them, arched with head back, that will recur later.