Most obviously, terrorist organizations could alter future attack plans, or devise new, easier ways to enter the country through channels they learn are relatively unguarded by the Department of Justice.
You've assumed that Skan will be alone and relatively unguarded, but you can't be sure of that, now, can you?
The second enemy wave was coming in from the relatively unguarded Fourth Quadrant, where Hunter's Black Team was on defensive patrol.
But the agreement today only begins the process of putting together the money at a time when many experts are worried that Russia's nuclear supplies could be a relatively unguarded target for terrorists.
The main body of the Hastur force had come forward, engaged with the center and left wing, leaving their flank relatively unguarded.
Most Pick-Your-Own plots are relatively unguarded and couyld be easy prey to the picker gangs.
He might leave the boy unguarded, or relatively unguarded.
Bound to be lots of good stuff lying around relatively unguarded, after all this.
It was extremely long but relatively unguarded, and it had a number of other advantages.
Stacked Pad Slide: When a goaltender is on the angle, often a sudden pass close to the net will leave the net relatively unguarded.