Two new releases certainly suggest this about the Moscow company, which recently ended an engagement at the Metropolitan Opera House.
The recent releases suggest that China may be dealing with the cases of people who have been under detention since the 1989 crackdown without being formally charged.
After a while, Verlaine's releases suggested the chapbooks by the poets he esteemed - lovingly crafted items with sadly low circulation.
The release suggested that the Government may be apprehensive about the reaction if it arrests leaders of the democracy movement.
But the release of the letter suggests that a major political battle may be brewing.
And while the bulk of the police report remained secret, the release of the cover letter suggested that a formal charge against him was far from certain.
The release suggests the Government is reluctant to arrest leaders of the democracy movement.
The secret release suggested the carving was more than decoration.
That release, like today's, suggested that the Russian authorities were not thoroughly convinced that they were dealing with a dangerous spy.
Yet, as four new releases suggest, the major labels are still heavily involved with opera.