The new ranges were completed around 1634, but further religious turmoil soon turned against the Catholic Maxwells.
Unfortunately for him, a growing religious turmoil was gripping Rome.
But in some respects this is due as much to climate, landscape and local conditions as to political or religious turmoil.
Old as Haverston was, there were numerous secret exits from the house that had been needed in years of political and religious turmoil.
The delay may be explained by the religious turmoil of the time making early publication unwise.
The song is about the religious turmoil in their native Ireland.
Political and religious turmoil, however, delayed and halted the process.
It was a time of considerable political and religious turmoil.
The Renaissance began in times of religious turmoil.
This was a period of great change - political, religious, cultural and social turmoil abounded in Palestine.