"Thank you," Molly replied solemnly, just as her mother had taught her.
"You can't imagine all I've learned today," he replied solemnly.
"Making your clothes disappear is my mission in life," Blake replied solemnly.
When they asked her why, she solemnly replied, "Because milk just went up a penny."
When asked which was his favorite, Alex replied solemnly, "Every single one."
"They also serve who stand and weld," Warner replied solemnly.
"That," he replied solemnly, "is because I do not believe in killing creatures for sport."
"I can try," Olson replied solemnly, "but there is no guarantee they could scramble and get here in time."
"I am afraid, old fellow, we shall ask ourselves that question for the rest of our days yet never learn the answer," I replied solemnly.
"That would be a very good thing to have happen," he replied solemnly.