But this is such a reprehensible, sadistic thing.
Both men continue to do morally reprehensible things in an attempt to one-up each other, and eventually they begin to question their actions.
Did you not do reprehensible things in your rose garden?
"It would behoove people like that who did illegal, morally reprehensible things to have some sense of remorse," he said.
But I would not still be here if I had done truly reprehensible things.
We are presented with a decent man who has done one truly reprehensible thing, and who is the film's sympathetic hero.
Maybe the only thing more reprehensible than the incident itself were the comments made by Xavier's two best players in the postgame press conference.
"I find this whole thing morally reprehensible," he said.
Fear is a poor basis for decision-making and hypocrisy is a reprehensible thing in politics.
He said that would be a "morally reprehensible thing to do."