Among the business groups most actively fighting the proposal are those representing oil companies, electric utilities, auto makers and other manufacturers.
His organization represents small manufacturers who keep production at home much more than a General Electric or a Whirlpool.
Groups representing large manufacturers praised the plan.
Redemption centers, representing manufacturers, would pay retailers or distributors for the batteries collected.
The suits, filed in Federal and state courts by a group representing other concrete manufacturers, were dismissed last year.
In addition the Council has around 70 members representing jewellers, traders and manufacturers (a full list of members).
David C. Hammond, a lawyer in Washington who represents manufacturers, took issue with some of the findings.
Generally, the safe dealers represent one or several safe manufacturers and they will have a large selection to choose from.
The organization claims to represent "over 80" manufacturers.
His mother was the office manager and bookkeeper for his father's business in Seattle, which represented manufacturers of automotive parts.