The new regulations, he said, will require consumers to develop a working knowledge of words like "fiber," "sugar," "fat" and "cholesterol."
And by requiring consumers to jump through restrictive hoops to request vouchers, those who most need compensation will be the least likely to receive it.
Scott also recommended that companies use return coupons because they required consumers to take direct action.
"But to require captive consumers to pay the full cost does not pass the fairness test."
Six states have laws requiring consumers to recycle electronic trash, and the New York Legislature is expected to consider a bill next year.
Most states require consumers to first exhaust the internal appeals process of their plan.
Horizontal tying is the practice of requiring consumers to pay for an unrelated product or service together with the desired one.
This would require consumers to pay in taxes a certain percentage of the cost of energy, whether gasoline, electricity or whatever.
The proper functioning of the internal market requires safe products and confident consumers.
The proper functioning of the internal market requires safe products and informed consumers with the ability to choose.