The equivalency exam probably requires less proficiency than a diploma, even after it was toughened this year.
It requires proficiency, a federal license, a special vocabulary and adherence to protocol.
Employers often require varying proficiency in Standard Chinese from applicants depending on the nature of the positions.
Almost all basic lectures are held in German, but an increasing number of master programs require proficiency in English for admission.
Several prominent business schools with an international edge do require proficiency in one foreign language.
Jams that require advanced musical proficiency are generally private, by-invitation events.
It is illogical to risk our people on a mission that requires greater proficiency with alien technology than even the crew of the Enterprise possesses.
The Senate requires proficiency in 10 years, but only holds states accountable for a composite score averaging different racial, ethnic and economic groups.
It is perfectly natural for a university to require proficiency of its faculty in any discipline, including Catholic theology.
School districts can still choose to require proficiency in a foreign language.