Some retailers advertise camcorders for as low as $500, a price that makes manufacturers cringe.
For the 2012 season, many retailers are heavily advertising their layaway service and offering it for free (or effectively free) if all conditions are met.
Many non-discount retailers sell some gray-market goods because of the lower prices but do not advertise or publicize them, as discounters do.
The bill would have made it a crime to sell certain games to minors, if the retailer had advertised that it would not.
Robert Pitofsky, the F.T.C.'s chairman, said the settlement would enable retailers to advertise deep discounts once again.
Furniture and stereo retailers also advertise heavily in The Sun, he said.
The retailer never advertises, and in fact calls itself "New York's best kept secret."
Diamonds International is a privately owned international jewelry manufacturer and retailer advertised as "the largest duty free jeweler in the world".
The retailer may advertise the price after cashback to drive sales.
"Most retailers only advertise 5 percent of their products," said Tim Armstrong, Google's vice president for ad sales.