Many retailers have closed their stores without replacements; in March 2010, it reached an estimated 75 percent occupancy rate - very low by industry standards.
Analysts estimate that retailers could close about 30 percent of their existing store space and no one would notice.
Over time, these three large retailers went bankrupt and closed.
Many independent retailers struggle to meet these demands, and many in past years have closed or relocated to other streets.
Smaller retailers closed as well and vacancy rates rose.
But retailers have been closing some stores, and Foot Locker has slowed growth from previous years.
The retailer would eventually close the Newark offices in the 1970s.
One retailer in Utah recently closed, she said.
Island Company opened 5 retail stores in 18 months, at a time when most other retailers were closing their doors.
Many schools and organizations canceled afternoon and evening activates, while even some major retailers closed early.