Trains run from Harlem every 2-7 minutes during rush-hour periods, and take 30 - 45 minutes to travel to the Loop.
Blue Line trains run at intervals of 2-7 minutes during rush-hour periods, and take 22 minutes to travel to the Loop.
"We had hoped to open by the tail end of the rush-hour period tonight, but I don't think we're going to make it."
From the Chicago Avenue station, trains run at intervals of 2-7 minutes during rush-hour periods, and take 4 minutes to travel to the Loop.
In a rush-hour period in this country, some of the larger stations experience 34,000 people walking through it.
From California, trains run every 2-7 minutes during rush-hour periods, and take 12 minutes to reach the Loop.
From Western, trains run at intervals of 2-7 minutes during rush-hour periods, and take 10 minutes to reach the Loop.
The service, which began last Tuesday, will operate Monday through Friday during rush-hour periods.
Dublin City FM are essentially a community station with specialist traffic reports around rush-hour periods.
Weight restrictions on the A57/628 but only during rush-hour periods.