The saintly figures are all seated with their legs crossed.
He was turned into an almost saintly figure who did not even bear moral responsibility for the war.
But reporters do not get to limit themselves to working with saintly and heroic figures.
Then I saw a saintly figure entering in the enlightened room.
Though Greenspan's reputation has been taken down a few pegs since his late-90's heyday, he remains an almost saintly figure.
It was here that Richard first became fascinated by light as he stared at the saintly figures drawn in stained glass.
Two saintly figures lived and were buried in Loboc church: Fr.
Deeply moved by the saintly figure before him, he offered the warm- est avowals of friendship.
I remember he was a revered, almost saintly, figure.
Jobs was often viewed as a saintly figure to Mac users.