Only foundations and sculptural fragments of the latest of the temples at the site remain.
It features mosaic floor reproductions, sculptural fragments, and sparse furnishings, all combining to achieve his trademark brand of modern historicism.
He also continued to acquire architectural and sculptural fragments and casts.
A prolific artist, he created thousands of busts, figures, and sculptural fragments over more than five decades.
Architectural and sculptural fragments, as well as parts of two inscriptions, one of which was a dedication by Legio XX, were also found.
All that remains of the original tombs are a few sarcophagi and sculptural fragments.
On the ground floor are some sculptural fragments from the cathedral, a 6th-century holy-water font and a curious display of Byzantine objects from Constantinople.
The seated statue of S. Bridget (c. 1440) survives and is displayed in the church with other sculptural fragments.
Anne and Patrick Poirier from France produced re-creations of ancient civilizations in sculptural fragments.
Remains of Classical Corinthian columns were found in excavations of the site, as well as various sculptural fragments.