In addition to its geographic convenience, the island would have offered opportunities for fishing, hunting and gathering seasonal native berries.
The fromage blanc, a fresh white low-fat cheese, is classically served in France with seasonal berries.
A lovely free breakfast of eggs perfectly cooked over easy and seasonal local berries arrived within 20 minutes.
For dessert ($5), steer clear of grainy gelati and the airlifted fresh "seasonal" berries.
Serve with a selection of seasonal berries.
Strawberries are summer's stand-out sensation, but it's just not tennis without the rest of the seasonal berries.
At the same time, appreciation for locally grown seasonal berries is growing.
Goat's milk yogurt and seasonal berries came on the side, along with a shot of wheat grass juice.
Lemon crème brûlée with seasonal berries also disappointed; a couple of blueberries were its only garnish.
It is a dessert that takes advantage of the bountiful harvest of seasonal berries.