But the second-quarter figure was still a healthy 15.8 percent jump over the $223 billion in securities issued in the second quarter of 1992.
The second-quarter figures do not include $60 million in one-time charges.
Today the Government is scheduled to release revised second-quarter figures for the gross national product.
The Commerce Department will update that number on Friday, when it publishes second-quarter figures.
What is to prevent a similar downward revision to the second-quarter figures?
Most economists expect that the first real signs of an upturn will not appear until second-quarter figures are available.
But the second-quarter figures, released Friday, included June estimates that might be revised.
The latest second-quarter figure was up only slightly from $7.8 billion in this year's first quarter.
The Commerce Department today revised its second-quarter figures to show the economy was growing at a 2.7 percent annual rate between April and June.
With G.M. scheduled to release its second-quarter figures next Tuesday, its officials declined to discuss today which company was bigger.