Even now men were seeking his body, and that of his last victim.
You see that in Huck Finn when they are seeking his body in the river.
When he finally awoke, evening had come, and with it small things seeking his brother's body.
And he drew his sword therewith, and ran about amongst the rocks and the bushes seeking her body.
A never ceasing moan came from her parted lips as she sought for the impossible-to pull Blade's giant body entirely into her own.
I felt I explored a tomb, and not just because I sought the Fool's body.
Jason did, and my body bowed backward, my hands seeking his body.
She bade him watch while she titillated herself and then sought his body for final pleasure.
It sought his body, but that was old and frail and could not survive the knowledge it now had.
His eyes sought Kensal's body once more.